eHealth Netzwerk

  • EU eHealth Netzwerk:  Beratungsergebnisse vom 7. November 2022

    EU eHealth Netzwerk: Beratungsergebnisse vom 7. November 2022

    Das eHealth Netzwerk (gegründet 2011 auf der Grundlage von Artikel 14 der Patientenmobilitätsrichtlinie 2011/24/EU) hat am 7. November 2022 bei seinem 22. Treffen im Albert-Borschette-Konferenzzentrum in Brüssel eine umfangreiche Agenda abgearbeitet.

    Am 24. Januar 2023 hat die EU Kommission Agenda, Protokoll gemeinsam mit der begleitenden Dokumentation (Cover Notes, Presentations, Adopted Documents) auf der Website der EU (Rubrik Public Health) veröffentlicht [diese Seite und die Dokumente liegen ausschließlich englisch vor].

    Neben detaillierten Berichten und Beratungen rund um myHealth@EU bzw. eHDSI (eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure) wurde auch der Stand der Beratungen zum EHDS-Verordnungsentwurf der EU-Kommission vom 3. Mai 2022 thematisiert.

    Auszug aus dem Protokoll: EHDS: An update was given on the EHDS negotiations, specifying that there will be a longer update provided at the Council meeting.
    Regarding the EHDS Proposal, it was noted that within the EU Parliament, ENVI and LIBE committees will be the lead, with the first formal exchange being held on November 8, 2022. The IMCO and ITRE Committees will also provide their opinions. The Budget Committee was also asked to give an opinion but they chose not to. The LIBE rapporteur is from IND (far-right group), with the ENVI rapporteur being from EPP. It was noted that the Parliament will begin first to establish its own position on the matter.

    The Council’s work on the EHDS Proposal was a bit more advanced, with an article-by-article read-through of the proposal in the Public Health Council Working Party. Initial discussions were started on the Czech Presidency compromise text for Chapters II and III.

    A summarized update on MyHealth@EU was given, having already presented this in the morning. The reference architecture was explained of the MyHealth@EU sister project, HealthData@EU, which focuses on the secondary use of data. It follows a similar pattern to MyHealth@EU, with national contact points being the health data access bodies. The novelty is that the EMA and ECDC can participate as well in the data sharing infrastructures. It was specified that the Commission’s role in the HealthData@EU project will be to provide central services, enabling the infrastructure to work.

    The HealthData@EU Pilot has two projects: the EHDS2 Pilot being divided within Nodes Service (Project 1) and Central Services (Project 2). The first project is led by the Pilot Consortium, whereas the second is managed by the EC, Solution Provider and Contractor. The Pilot will run from October 2022 until September 2024. The first year will be dedicated to developing the Pilot, then a scale-up phase will follow based on the lessons learned during the piloting period so as to improve its functioning in countries across Europe.